The modern farm

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Farm Animals

Farm animals. Gosh I have lots and always share mainly on Monday Portrait So this time I am heading down a different path to what may be the face of a modern farm.

“Yes, they chose pink for me as I am the prettiest chook in the show.”
“I don’t mind have a bit of a make-over as it’s just for a bit of fun for the kids plus it is a good promotion for the Rainbow Farm”

“I am stuck with green. Boy do the others have a good laugh!”
“Like how come you have lettuce instead of feathers? Do you lay Brussel Sprouts?”
“I’ll be glad when I get home and get a wash”

“This is madness!!!”
“You have to get me out of here!!”
“I keep seeing these weird looking chickens!!”

“I don’t see what his problem is.”
“Do you?”

OK, you talked me into it. Here’s a bit of cute to finish

Enough of that. It’s time to go…….bye